Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blessed or Cursed

There are many families struggling with serious health problems.  Both in the EB community and out.  As I listen to what they talk about; I realize that there is a lot of confusion about why God intervenes when he does.

I can think of a family that I especially care about.  They have trusted God with a deep heartfelt faith and yet things are not turning out like they had hoped and prayed for.  I pray for them that they will experience God's grace deeply, each and everyday.  It is not a time for them to throw away their faith but instead a time to dig deeper in the trenches.  As Christians we need to stand close and support those that continue day after day with seemingly little improvement.

It is especially painful for me when I hear of a family that is celebrating the improvement in their child's health but then attribute that improvement to something they have done to please God. Some will attribute it to their great devotion to God.  Some to a faith that is so great that in no way could their petition to God not be granted.  Others may attribute it to the way they have devoted themselves to their loved ones care.  How could God not hear them and heal their child?

When I hear these statements; I want to shout that it does not work that way.  Faith is not an equation.  Our children's healing is not dependent on the good that we have done or how much we love our heavenly father.  Now you may think that I respond this way because AJ has not experienced a great physical healing.  The truth is that I am so at peace over what God is doing in AJ's life.  I know that God is using AJ and his EB to make known the good works of our Heavenly Father.  What higher calling can any of us have?

As He passed along, He noticed a man blind from his birth.
His disciples asked Him, Rabbi, who sinned,
 this man or his parents,  that he should be born blind? 
 Jesus answered, It was not that this man
 or his parents sinned, but he was born blind
 in order that the workings of God 
should be manifested (displayed and illustrated) in him. 
John 9:1-3 (Amplified Bible)

The struggle I write about today is derived from the deep pain that I feel for those families that suffer unnecessary hurt over false sentiments.  How is a family to react when they have given all to their child?  They have trusted God with their child's life and their child dies or sometimes even worse; their child's suffering increases.   It is for those families that I write today.  If you are one of those families and you read these words; know that God is still with you, he has not abandoned you.  Please be encouraged by these words; not mine, but those of our heavenly father.

God does not work the way our minds reason or think the way we expect him to;

Think about what God has done. 
Who can make straight what he has made crooked?
When times are good, be happy. 
But when times are bad, here's something to think about.  
God has made bad times.  He has also made good times.
So a man can't find out anything about what's ahead of him.
In my meaningless life here's what I've seen.
I've seen a godly man dying even though he is godly.
And I've seen a sinful man living a long time
even though he is sinful.
Ecclesiastes 7:13-15 (New International Reader's Version)


The Lord said to him, "Who makes a man able to talk?  
Who makes him unable to hear or speak?  
Who makes him able to see?  Who makes him blind?  
It is I, the Lord.  
Exodus 4:11 (New International Reader's Version)


"My thoughts are not like your thoughts.  
And your ways are not like my ways,"
announces the Lord.  
Isaiah 55:8

Be encouraged because a better day is coming.

Strengthen the hands of those who are weak.
Help those whose knees give way.  
Say to those whose hearts are afraid,
Be strong, Do not fear.Your God will come.
He will pay your enemies back.  He will come to save you.
Then the eyes of those who are blind will be opened.
The ears of those who can't hear will be unplugged
Those who can't walk will leap like a deer.
and those who can't speak will shout with joy.
Water will pour out in dry places.
Streams will flow in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool of water.
The thirsty ground will become bubbling springs.
In the places where wild dogs once lay down,
tall grass and papyrus will grow.
A wide road will go through the land.
It will be called The Way of Holiness.
Only those those who are pure and clean can travel on it.
Only those who lead a holy life can use it.
Evil and foolish people can't walk on it.
No lions will use it.  No wild animals will be on it.
None of them will be there.
Only people who have been set free will walk on it.
Those the Lord has saved will return to their land.
They will sing as they enter the city of Zion.
Joy that lasts forever 
will be like beautiful crowns on their heads.
They will be filled with gladness and joy.  
Sorrow and sighing will be gone. 
Isaiah 35:3-11 (New International Reader's Version)

 I want to share a song with you.  I've heard it many times and it is another example of my hearts cry.  The song is entitled, No Matter What.

May God bless you on your journey.  May your hearts cry be:

I don't want anything on earth besides you.  
My body and my heart may grow weak.  
God you give me strength to my heart.  
You are everything I will ever need. 
 Psalm 73:25-27


1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,

    I just found your blog posted on Patrice's blog. Thank you for writing this. Even though Bella's BMT did not turn out the way we envisioned, it does not cause us to waiver in our faith. It only demonstrates how little we really understand of God's plan.

