Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Tribute to God's Great Design for Families

This blog post was written by our daughter Katie in honor of the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade.  I hope it blesses you as much as it did us.


Katie's post

How do I feel about my parents adopting, particularly in light of the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade?

In the most simplest of terms: It over joys me! It relentlessly paints a picture before my eyes day after day that God delights in life of every kind. 

Perusing twitter this morning I continually came across the following question: “How pro-life are you?” One simple look at my family and this question quickly seems to be rhetorical – its answer staring one in the face as 13 children glance back at you from the rows of my ethnically, culturally, and racially diverse family.  Not only did my parents choose life for their own four children that God opened my mother’s womb for but they chose life for nine other children, selflessly opening their homes, hearts, and lives to care for children that our society deems ‘unwanted’ and ‘dispensable’.

In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul tells us “On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor…”  

That child with FASD: valuable to God! That young girl struggling with bipolar: indispensable to God’s economy!  The little boy in a wheel chair: he’s bestowed with honor!  Each and every one of them is valuable, imaging our Creator.

Years ago, before the likes of me, my parents saw these realities and delighted their hearts in the reality that God is the giver of life. He alone gives life to everything. They chose to honor God as Creator and build a family through both natural birth and adoption.  Through this they declare day after day that life is valuable and that God is good.  More importantly, it reminds me of a life-giving reality – the reality that I too have been adopted into the most glorious family.  That I am a daughter of all sovereign ruler of the universe and that he is my Father. I have been adopted into the family of God and there my identity is rooted and my hope is steadfast.

So thank-you Mom and Dad. Thank-you for choosing life. Not only for me but for all of your children.  You have imaged well for me what it means to value life and what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. I see and know that it isn’t always easy to choose life but God has been faithful to you through it all.

And today seemed like a really good day to say that.  In light of those 50 million children who have not been given life in the past 40 years, the reality that I (and my 12 siblings) have been given life – delights me beyond words.

Praise God for parents who understand the value of life!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Praying for Evan

Please pray for Evan, his Mom and sisters.  Evan has Junctional EB, a different form than AJ and also very serious.

Here is a picture of him this morning.

Evan had symptoms of an airway that was scarring shut from EB. He went into the hospital today to have it checked. Evan's Mom was struggling with the decision to do an elective tracheotomy.  She shared with me yesterday that she was concerned about the loss of his speech if he had a trach. She shared that Even loves to sing and talk. If his upper airway closed and he had a tracheotomy  he would have no way to get air over his vocal cords and he would lose the ability to speak or sing.

I am so thankful that Evan is still here with his family. Before the doctors even got started into the procedure today, his airway closed completely and they did an emergency tracheotomy to save his life. His airway could have closed before they arrived at the hospital. Instead it happened in the operating room.

Evan needs our prayers.  Prayers to handle the many changes he will need to adjust to.  I can't imagine waking up with the inability to speak; especially if you are only four years old.  Pray for peace, healing and an that an alternative form of communication be found for him quickly.

Thank you so much for following our blog and for praying for these little ones with EB.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Dad, Do you Pray Everyday?

AJ:  (In all seriousness) Dad, do you pray everyday?

Dad:  Yes, AJ.

AJ:  (adamantly) You should stop!

Dad:  (concerned) But I want to pray

AJ:  (Sad) If you pray you are going to get really small.


Mom:  (laughing)  AJ did you learn the song about reading the bible everyday and you will grow, grow, grow?

AJ:  (adamant again) No Mom, if you read your bible and pray everyday you will shrink, shrink, shrink!

Mom tells Dad the words of an old song
(he must have learned it in church last Sunday):

Read your Bible, pray everyday 
and you'll grow, grow, grow.

Don't read your Bible or pray everyday 
and you'll shrink, shrink, shrink,

I think AJ thought the song went:

Don't read your Bible, pray everyday
 or you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.

I just love this kid!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Riddle to start the New Year

AJ shared a riddle with me today.

Here is AJ's Riddle

I have a little ball in my brain. 
 It falls out of my brain into my mouth.  
When I eat something the little ball gets stuck.

When I eat ice cream, 
the ball freezes and goes back into my brain.
  I like to eat ice cream;  
It makes the ball go back in my brain.

What is he talking about?

The answer to the riddle?

My guess?

A stricture in his esophagus.  

Before he told me the riddle, he said that I need to call the doctor so that we could visit her and she can check him out. After he shared his riddle I told him that I think it is a stricture in his Esophagus.  He did not want to hear my answer. He quickly said that the ball is gone and he is fine now.  I asked him if he was afraid and if that is why the ball is gone. He said, "Yes, a little bit."  I told him that they can look for the little ball by drinking some medicine while they take pictures. He wasn't too happy about that either.

I hope to go longer before we actually do another dilatation   I am aware that he usually doesn't make it a year without one but I would like to go at least a year, if possible.  If my memory is correct, it was last February that he went in.  I know the doctor wants to do the dilatation without the test first.  She feels since he will always need dilatations; why bother to put him through an extra test?  I'm unsure about this plan because I don't want to put him through the procedure until it is absolutely necessary.  Maybe, in time, I will become more confident as AJ continues to share his riddles.

Happy New Year!
